Reshaping Philanthropy for Impact

At Effective Give, we are dedicated to reshaping philanthropy through innovative solutions that empower donors to realize their highest aspirations for impact.

Achieving this starts with helping donors optimize how they give, then becomes laser-focused on where to give.

Effective Give is a registered 501c3.


Our flagship program, Workplace Giving, was designed as a solution for individuals unable to benefit from tax deductions when contributing through Payroll Giving.

This novel initiative slashes donation expenses by more than 30% for most participants; thereby amplifying the impact of their philanthropic endeavors.


Donors and non-profits have the ability to increase their impact by as much as 10x with access to better data. We are building a database to help stakeholders compare the impact of non-profit programs using a Universal Impact Metric.

This will empower donors to easily identify and compare high-impact donation opportunities that align with their individual values.